FANZA で 詳細を確認する▶闇金取立屋の野口と下柳。取り立て損ねた代金の代償に、社長から無理矢理野郎同士のセックスをさせられたことがキッカケで目覚めた!? 「俺がホモとか絶対ありえねえだろ!?」「お、俺だってそうだ!!」自分が野郎同士のHに感じることは絶対に受け入れられない二人組。それでも溜まるもんが溜まっちまったら、ヤリたくなるのが男ってもんだ!! コワモテヤクザな大男ふたりがラブホテルにやってきて、豪快なセックスを始めたら、もう止まらない!! ヤンチャでゴツイおっさんたちの純情(?)ツンデレラブストーリー!! 結局ふたりは単なるケンカップルです(笑)。
Noguchi and Shimoyanagi are the rough, tough loan sharks. One day, they failed to collect a debt. Their boss ordered them to fuck each other to make it up for!! It WAS really an awesome experience for them, but Noguchi and Shimoyanagi don’t want to admit it. ’I didn’t enjoy it!’’That was disgusting!’, they insist, but they can’t hide what they really feel. They stay at a motel together and can’t help but having another hot, sweaty and steamy wild sex!! ’I LOVE chicks!’’Yeah, me, too!’’Chicks are great!’’WE LOVE CHICKS!’, they scream. They don’t want to admit it. They say lots of excuses. However, what are they doing really!? Oh well LMAO.
It’s a love comedy of two rough tough loan sharks that don’t want to admit their true love!!